A perfect, safe and simple 'Learn to Swim' Programme for all children to learn essential life-saving skills for the future. A fun but practical step by step swimming programme that covers all swim techniques.
UK based ASA Fully Qualified Level 1 & Level 2 Trainer & Coach, Level 2 Pre- Fundamentals (Adults & Babies) with Royal Lifesaving Society Swim Rescue Certification. DBS Enhanced.
A perfect, safe and simple 'Learn to Swim- 'Solutions to Water Anxiety' Programme for all adults that wish to learn essential life swimming skills for the future.
A fun, but practical step-by-step swimming programme that covers all swim techniques and combines Brave the Rage's 'Self Esteem and Confidence' building tools and techniques to overcome fear of the water.
UK based ASA Fully Qualified Level 1 & Level 2 Trainer & Coach, Level 2 Pre- Fundamentals (Adults & Babies) with Royal Lifesaving Society Swim Rescue Certification. DBS Enhanced.
A perfect, safe and simple 'Learn to Swim- 'Parent & Baby' Programme for all mums, dads, carers and family members that wish their baby to learn essential life swimming skills for the future.
A fun, but practical step-by-step 'parent and baby bonding' swimming programme that covers all swim techniques and combines Brave the Rage's 'Self Esteem and Confidence' building tools and techniques to overcome fear of the water.
UK based ASA Fully Qualified Level 1 & Level 2 Trainer & Coach, Level 2 Pre- Fundamentals (Adults & Babies) with Royal Lifesaving Society Swim Rescue Certification. DBS Enhanced.
To book your lessons or to find out more about the different swimming programmes we offer, please contact Julie Wilkinson:
Email: info@bravethewaves.co.uk
Phone: +44 7970 220 545